Online Courses
in Arts and Culture

"International lectorium of liberal arts" was recognized as the non-profit organization with the highest rating in 2024 by GreatNonprofits.

Our advantages


All courses are total free


All courses without subscription


All courses are total online


All courses with free certificate

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About us

"International lectorium of liberal arts" is an international educational project. We strive to develop humanitarian education, because it allows us to expand our worldview, to realize the importance of multiculturalism and multiconfessionalism of our world.

We know that access to education is still a big problem for humanity. Not everyone has access to quality knowledge, often due to financial problems.

Everyone who wants to give a good start to their future we have made our free courses. In these courses you will learn the basics in the field of culture and art.

In our "International lectorium of liberal arts" you will find quality courses that can occupy your life a lot, don't delay and start today!

Our recognition

Top-Rated Nonprofit

"International lectorium of liberal arts" was recognized as the non-profit organization with the highest rating in 2024 by GreatNonprofits.

Our courses

Cultural and Art History
Drama Theory
Fashion History

Our mission

We seek to contribute to the United Nations in the maintenance of peace.

Our mission is to make basic education and basic knowledge accessible to every person in the world, regardless of their social status, geographical location, economic opportunity or other indication.

We strive to create an inclusive and global learning community where everyone has an equal chance to learn and develop their potential.

Education is available to all

"Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages... Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace"

© Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Our principles

We believe that through the realization of these principles we can make a significant contribution to a world where education is a powerful tool for personal and social development available to every person on Earth.

01. Accessibility

Providing seamless access to education through online platforms. We strive to remove barriers that may arise due to distance, financial constraints or other limitations.

02. Quality

Providing a high standard of education by employing experienced teachers, developing up-to-date curricula and utilizing advanced teaching methodologies.

03. Diversity

Encouraging a variety of cultures, languages and perspectives in the educational process. We believe that diversity fosters a deeper understanding and respect for worldviews.

04. Relevance

We strive to keep our courses and training materials up-to-date, so we regularly update and improve their quality.

05. Social responsibility

Active participation in social and community initiatives aimed at improving education in the regions where it is most needed.

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Students' opinion

Lea Santiago

"Thank you so much for free access to quality education"

Nolan Wilson

"It's great to learn fundamental things about different cultures around the world here"

Juan Martinez

"Thanks to my studies here, I feel more confident in communication! And I've even been able to make some foreign friends already! Thank you very much for your work and support!"

Mira Jai

"When I decided to start training here, I was a bit doubtful whether I could get quality knowledge and skills. But after a few sessions, my fears were dispelled!"

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact our email address.
