Module 7: Psychological research methods
7.3. Statistics and data analysis

Statistics play a key role in psychological research, as they allow us to collect, process, and interpret data. This method helps us understand and explain various aspects of human behavior, thinking, and emotional responses.


Psychological research usually begins with the formulation of a hypothesis about the relationship between certain variables. Data is then collected, which may include surveys, observations, experiments, and other methods.


After collecting the data, the next step is to analyze it. This is where statistics come in handy. We use various statistical methods to identify patterns, correlations, and differences between variables.


One of the key concepts in statistics is descriptive statistics, which allows us to describe and investigate data. We use metrics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and range to get an idea of the distribution of data.


Another important aspect is inferential statistics, which allows us to draw conclusions about the entire population based on data from the sample. We use methods such as t-tests, variance analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis to uncover hidden relationships between variables and draw statistical conclusions.


Thus, statistics and data analysis play an important role in psychological research, allowing us to obtain objective and scientifically based results. The ability to work with data and conduct statistical analysis is an integral part of the professional activity of a psychologist.