Module 3: Developmental Psychology
3.3. Adult and senile development

Adult and senile development represent different stages of human life with different physiological, social and psychological characteristics.

Adult development:

Senile development:

Midlife crisis

A midlife crisis is a period in a person's life when they face various physiological, psychological, and social challenges and changes. This period usually falls between the ages of 35 and 55, but the exact age range may vary. In this lecture, we will look at the causes and manifestations of midlife crises, as well as ways to overcome them.

Causes of midlife crises

1.   Кризис Self-identity crisis: In middle age, people begin to ask questions about their life purpose, evaluate their achievements, and set new goals. This can lead to anxiety and doubt.

2.   Physiological changes: Middle age is accompanied by physical changes, such as poor health, decreased physical activity, and age-related pain.

3.   Family and social changes: Children can grow up and leave home, which creates a void, as well as new requirements for family relationships and roles.

4.   Professional changes: Some people start to question their professional career and look for new opportunities or reconsider their career goals.

Manifestations of midlife crises

1.   Doubts and concerns: People may experience doubts about their achievements and seek new meaning in life.

2.   Changing relationships: There may be conflicts in the family and marriage, as well as the search for new social connections.

3.   Physical changes: Deterioration of physical condition, possible health and illnesses.

4.   Behavioral changes: Radical lifestyle changes are possible, such as traveling, new hobbies, and buying expensive items.

Ways to overcome midlife crises

1.   Self-understanding: It is important to ask yourself questions about goals and values in life and develop new strategies.

2.   Family support: Communication with family and loved ones, understanding changes in family relationships.

3.   Professional development: Review your career goals and consider opportunities for professional growth.

4.   Healthy lifestyle: Maintain physical health and nutrition, exercise.

A midlife crisis is a normal stage in a person's life that can lead to personal growth and development. Understanding the causes and ways to deal with crises can help you cope with this period more successfully and satisfactorily.