Module 2: Biological Psychology
2.2. Hormonal effects on the psyche

Genetics, as a science, studies heredity and the transmission of genetic information from generation to generation. This science has a significant impact on psychology, as our genes play an important role in shaping our mental state, behavior, and development.

Basic concepts:

Genetics is a science that studies the laws and material foundations of heredity and variability of organisms, as well as the mechanisms of evolution of living things.

Heredity же is the property of one generation to pass on structural features, physiological properties, and the specific nature of individual development to another. The properties of heredity are realized in the process of individual development.

Genetic information

Genetic information is stored in our DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and determines our genetic traits. This information is passed from parent to offspring.

Genotype and phenotype

A genotype is a collection of all the genes in an organism. It determines which genes we have, but it doesn't always reflect which traits are showing up. A phenotype is a specific observable trait that we have, such as eye color, height, or a tendency to certain diseases.

Interaction of genes and the environment

Genetics and psychology do not exist independently of each other. It's important to understand that our genes can interact with our environment to shape our psychological state.

Genetic predisposition

Some psychological conditions, such as a tendency to depression or schizophrenia, may have a genetic predisposition. This means that people with certain genes may have a higher risk of developing these conditions.


Epigenetics studies changes in genes that occur under the influence of the environment. These changes can affect psychological aspects such as stressors and trauma.

Genetics and psychological research

Research on the genetic aspects of psychology involves a variety of methods, such as twinning and analysis of the association of genes with psychological traits.

Finally, genetics play an important role in our psychological development. Understanding the genetic aspects of psychology helps us better understand why we are different and how the environment interacts with our genes. In the future, this knowledge may lead to more effective treatments and mental health support.